The world of investing has many successful figures, but one of the most notable is cis
He is said to have the ability to “move the Nikkei Average on his own,” making his investment philosophy a must-learn for many
This book explores how cis invests and what mindset has helped him grow his wealth
However, this is not a “technical investment manual” filled with complex concepts
Instead, it presents his game-like approach to investing in a way that is easy to understand
Even if you think, “Investing sounds difficult,” you can still enjoy this book
Don’t worry—there are no spoilers
Let’s explore key points from the book and uncover what makes cis’s approach so unique
- cis’s investment philosophy is “simple and rational”
- He treats investing like a game and enjoys it
- Some of his strategies can be applied immediately
- The book also offers insights into life beyond investing
一人の力で日経平均を動かせる男の投資哲学 / How to read:Hitori no chikara de nikkeiheikin o ugokaseru otoko no tōshi tetsugaku / English:The Investment Philosophy of a Man Who Can Move the Nikkei Average Alone

Amazon Audible offers unlimited listening to selected business books and popular works for a fixed price. You can try it out for free for one month now! If you cancel during the free period, your subscription will automatically be suspended after the free period ends, so you can try it out with peace of mind. Please make the most of this opportunity.
The World of Investment – The Stage Where cis Operates
When you hear the word “investment,” you might think, “It sounds difficult” or “Only rich people do it.”
However, this book illustrates how a private investor, cis, navigates the world of investments as if it were a game.
For cis, “winning in investment” is the ultimate goal, and he spends every day analyzing market movements to make his moves.
To him, investing is not just “a way to make money” but also a game where strategic thinking is key.
Once you step into this world, you begin to see not just the flow of money but also how people think and react.
It feels like “a real-life board game,” where small decisions can have huge impacts.
The Investment Landscape Through cis’s Eyes
The investment world resembles a massive battlefield.
Stock prices fluctuate, but behind those movements are human “emotions” and “thought processes.”
For example, when a piece of news breaks, if people think, “This is an opportunity!” stock prices rise.
Conversely, if they think, “This is risky!” prices drop.
cis reads these trends and acts at the right moment.
Money Movements Are Linked to Human Psychology
“Why do people invest?”
The answer is simple: “They want to grow their money” or “They don’t want to lose it.”
However, if emotions take over, rational decision-making becomes difficult.
That’s why cis values “acting according to rules rather than emotions.”
Exploring the Investment World Through Reading
Even if you don’t participate in investing, books can provide insight into its appeal.
By learning cis’s investment philosophy, you can gain a better understanding of “money flow” and apply it to your daily life.
Is Investing Only for the Wealthy?
You might wonder, “Isn’t investing something only rich people do?”
In reality, the “investment mindset” is present in everyday life.
For example, when you receive an allowance, you decide whether to “spend it immediately or save it for later.”
This decision mirrors investment—thinking about the future and how to make the most of your resources.
Small Choices Can Change the Future
In the world of investing, even a small decision can lead to significant results.
A single trade can result in a major profit or, conversely, a significant loss.
cis minimizes risks while building up success by “choosing battles where he has the best chance to win.”
This approach is applicable not just to investing but to many aspects of life.
Learn Investment Thinking Through Books
By reading cis’s book, you can learn essential investment principles like “how to use money” and “how to assess risks.”
This book offers a great opportunity to acquire “an investment mindset” that can be useful in everyday life.
Overview of the Book (No Spoilers)
This book introduces the thoughts and actions of a man named cis, who has achieved great success in the world of investing.
He did not possess any special talents from the start but built his own style through trial and error.
His approach is not only applicable to investing but also contains many lessons that can be applied to life in general.
While investing may seem difficult, you will realize that it has similarities to everyday decision-making.
What Is Cis’ Investment Philosophy?
Cis believes that “the market is driven by people’s psychology.”
This means that understanding people’s emotions and actions is just as important as analyzing numbers.
With this perspective, what may seem like simple fluctuations in numbers can start to feel like a living entity.
Through reading, you can experience his thought process firsthand, which is one of the book’s great appeals.
Why Does Emotion Influence Investment Decisions?
In investing, rational judgment is crucial, yet many people are swayed by fear and greed.
The more you think, “I want to make more money” or “I don’t want to lose,” the more likely you are to make poor decisions.
Cis understands these psychological tendencies and has used them to his advantage.
By reading this book, you can gain insights into how to control your own emotions.
The Key to Investing: Sticking to Simple Rules
Many investors tend to rely too much on complex calculations and information.
However, Cis emphasizes that “following basic rules” is the most important aspect of investing.
For example, “cutting losses early” and “maximizing gains when winning” are simple strategies that lead to long-term success.
This mindset is not limited to investing—it can be applied to many aspects of life as well.
Can Anyone Participate in the World of Investing?
People often assume that investing requires special talent, but in reality, anyone can learn it.
Cis was not successful from the beginning; he grew through continuous trial and error.
By understanding his journey, you can learn the importance of persistence in pursuing your own life goals.
Reading is an excellent way to accumulate knowledge step by step.
Investment Requires a Learning Mindset, Not Talent
Successful investors share a common trait: they are always willing to learn.
Even when they fail, they use those experiences to improve and grow in the long run.
By reading, you can absorb new knowledge and apply it not only to investing but also to daily life.
Start with Small Challenges
Instead of jumping into large investments right away, it is essential to start small.
Through books, you can learn about the mechanisms of investing and how to perceive risks.
Reading can open up new worlds that you may never have known existed.
Taking small steps at your own pace is the first step toward success.
What is Investment Philosophy?
This book considers investment not just as a means of making money but as a philosophy.
In the world of investing, it’s not just about following numbers; mindset and psychology play a crucial role.
Through reading, you can learn from the author’s experiences and insights, which can benefit not only investing but also life in general.
The term “investment philosophy” might sound complex, but in reality, it relates to the choices we make every day.
Why Is Mindset Important?
While knowledge and information are valuable in investing, your way of thinking has an even greater impact.
Since the market is influenced by people’s emotions, controlling your emotions is key to success.
This book reveals how the author approaches the market with a particular mindset.
Reading allows you to strengthen your own thought process, which can ultimately contribute to investment success.
“Calmness” Leads to Success
In investing, making rushed decisions often leads to mistakes, while analyzing situations calmly is essential.
The book emphasizes the importance of not being swayed by market movements but rather sticking to your own rules.
This concept applies to daily life as well—making decisions without getting emotional leads to better outcomes.
Perhaps reading can serve as a tool to help cultivate a calm and rational mindset.
Facing “Risk” Properly
In investing, it’s impossible to eliminate risk entirely.
However, the way you approach risk determines your chances of success.
This book explains how the author perceives and handles risk effectively.
Through reading, gaining a proper understanding of risk can reduce anxiety about investing.
Investment Philosophy Can Be Applied to Life
The principles of investing can actually be applied to many aspects of life.
The book teaches that making decisions logically rather than emotionally is crucial.
Since the accumulation of daily choices shapes the future, both investing and life follow the same fundamental rule.
Reading about investment strategies can provide valuable insights for leading a better life.
Focus on “Growth” Rather Than “Success”
In investing, long-term growth is more important than a single instance of success.
This book highlights that successful investors share a common trait: the habit of continuous learning.
By making reading a habit, you can continuously absorb new knowledge and improve yourself.
Not only in investing but in life as a whole, the ability to keep learning is a crucial factor.
Learning from “Failure”
Even the best investors experience failure at some point.
However, how they interpret failure ultimately determines their long-term results.
This book shares how the author overcomes failures and turns them into new opportunities.
Through reading, you can appreciate the importance of learning from mistakes rather than fearing them.
Reflections and Insights After Reading
Upon finishing this book, I realized that investing is not just about making money but also about developing a mindset and consistent actions.
Many people associate investing with financial gain, but this book emphasizes the importance of thinking patterns and habits.
I also noticed that successful people, regardless of their field, share common traits.
Through this book, I learned that understanding investing is closely linked to understanding life itself.
The Most Memorable Point
This book contains numerous valuable lessons, but what stood out to me the most was the importance of mindset.
Rather than just technical strategies, the book delves into the thought processes and habits required for success.
This is applicable not only to investing but to various aspects of life.
Through reading, I realized how changing our thoughts can influence our actions.
The Importance of Keeping Things Simple
In the world of investing, many believe that complex knowledge is necessary, but this book highlights the power of simplicity.
Too much information can lead to confusion, making it difficult to make sound decisions.
Reading regularly helps us develop the ability to discern what truly matters.
I found that thinking simply is not only useful in investing but also beneficial in daily life.
Embracing Failure Without Fear
One of the key takeaways from this book is that successful investors learn from their failures.
The author of this book also experienced failures and refined their investing style through trial and error.
Through reading, I learned that embracing failure positively is crucial for growth.
This perspective can also be applied to studying, work, and other aspects of life.
Lessons to Apply in Life
This book provided many insights that I can incorporate into my daily life.
It made me realize that investing is not just a financial activity but a series of decisions we make every day.
Reading helps us gain new perspectives and broaden our horizons.
After reading this book, I feel like my way of thinking has already begun to shift.
Consistency is the Key
One of the biggest lessons from the book is that successful people are continuous learners.
Making reading a habit can enhance not only our investing skills but also our overall perspective on life.
This book particularly emphasizes the importance of maintaining a learning mindset, reinforcing my belief in the power of reading.
I am inspired to continue reading to further refine my understanding.
The Value of Thinking for Yourself
This book made me realize the significance of forming my own opinions instead of blindly following others.
In an era overflowing with information, having a personal decision-making framework is essential.
Reading plays a crucial role in sharpening our ability to think independently.
This book has encouraged me to be more conscious of developing my own viewpoints moving forward.
This book is not just about investment techniques; it also teaches us how to think and approach life.
By learning the mindset of a successful investor, we can gain insights not only into money management but also into improving our decision-making skills.
It is a recommended read for those interested in investing, as well as for anyone looking to make better choices in their daily lives.
Through reading, you may discover new perspectives that can be applied to your future.
What do you hope to learn from this book?
Feel free to share your thoughts and insights in the comments!
一人の力で日経平均を動かせる男の投資哲学 / How to read:Hitori no chikara de nikkeiheikin o ugokaseru otoko no tōshi tetsugaku / English:The Investment Philosophy of a Man Who Can Move the Nikkei Average Alone

Amazon Audible offers unlimited listening to selected business books and popular works for a fixed price. You can try it out for free for one month now! If you cancel during the free period, your subscription will automatically be suspended after the free period ends, so you can try it out with peace of mind. Please make the most of this opportunity.
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