村上海賊の娘:知られざる戦国海賊の娘、その生き様 Literary Works

The Daughter of Murakami Pirates: The Untold Story of a Sengoku Pirate’s Life

During the Sengoku period, while figures like Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi fought for unification on land, fierce...
レーエンデ国物語:多崎礼が描く幻想の世界とその魅力 SF, Horror, Fantasy

The Chronicles of the Kingdom of Rehende: Exploring the Fascinating World of Rei Tazaki’s Fantasy Masterpiece

Welcome to the book blog "dokusho365"!Today, we will introduce "The Chronicles of the Kingdom of Rehende," a work by Rei...
「成瀬は天下を取りにいく」挑戦と青春を描く感動の物語 Contemporary literature

“Naruse Goes to Conquer the World” – A Tale of Ambition and Youth

Mina Miyajima's bold new novel, Naruse Goes to Conquer the World, is a story of ambition, courage, and the power of yout...
『200万人の「挫折」と「成功」のデータからわかった 継続する技術』で実現する習慣の力 Time management

The Science of Persistence: Lessons from 2 Million Successes and Failures

Rest assured, this article will explore the essence of this book without revealing spoilers.We’ll dive into the highligh...
心温まる群像劇『水車小屋のネネ』が描く優しさの連鎖 Contemporary literature

The Heartwarming Ensemble Drama The Watermill’s Nene: A Chain of Kindness

Whether you're an avid reader or someone looking for a heartwarming story, The Watermill's Nene by Kikuko Tsumura is a m...
『放課後ミステリクラブ 1 金魚の泳ぐプール事件』の謎を追う Mystery

Exploring the Mystery of “After-School Mystery Club 1: The Case of Goldfish in the Pool”

"After-School Mystery Club 1: The Case of Goldfish in the Pool" is a children’s mystery novel written by Mikito Chinen.T...
「落日」— 湊かなえが描く希望と絶望の交錯する物語 Mystery, Suspense, Hard-boiled

“Rakujitsu”— A Tale of Hope and Despair by Kanae Minato

Kanae Minato's latest novel, Rakujitsu, captivates readers with its profound narrative and intricate psychological portr...

Why The Courage to Be Disliked Has Changed So Many Lives

Have you ever come across a book that profoundly changed your life? The Courage to Be Disliked has been that kind of boo...
読者を魅了する究極の推理小説『そして誰もいなくなった』 Classic detective

The Ultimate Mystery Novel That Captivates Readers: “And Then There Were None”

Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None" has captivated readers worldwide as a masterpiece of mystery.Set on a seclu...
婚活の裏側を覗く一冊:「婚活マエストロ」 Contemporary literature

A Glimpse into the World of Matchmaking: “Konkatsu Maestro”

What comes to mind when you hear the word "matchmaking"?Some may envision glamorous events, while others might think of ...
老化は病気?LIFESPANが示す未来の健康革命 Science

Is Aging a Disease? LIFESPAN Unveils the Future of Health Revolution

"Aging can be treated as a disease." This revolutionary perspective is at the core of David A. Sinclair's book, LIFESPAN...
『鹿の王』が問いかける、生きる意味と孤独の物語 SF, Horror, Fantasy

The King of the Deer: A Story of the Meaning of Life and Solitude

Does an "absolute" really exist in this world?Naho Uehashi's The King of the Deer is a work that deeply explores life an...