家族を超えた絆を描く『そして、バトンは渡された』の魅力 Contemporary literature

The Love and Bonds Relay in “And Then the Baton Was Passed”

Families come in all shapes and sizes.Each one is connected by love and trust, despite differing backgrounds and values....
「流浪の月」が問いかける愛と偏見の本質 Mystery, Suspense, Hard-boiled

The Essence of Love and Prejudice Questioned by ‘The Wandering Moon’

"The Wandering Moon" is an emotional human drama written by Yu Nagira that won the 17th Japan Booksellers' Award.The sto...
「成瀬は天下を取りにいく」挑戦と青春を描く感動の物語 Contemporary literature

“Naruse Goes to Conquer the World” – A Tale of Ambition and Youth

Mina Miyajima's bold new novel, Naruse Goes to Conquer the World, is a story of ambition, courage, and the power of yout...
あなたは挑戦を続けられるか?『海賊とよばれた男』が問いかける生き様 Contemporary literature

Can You Keep Challenging Yourself? The Life Lessons of The Man Called Pirate

Challenge has always been a powerful word that resonates with people across eras, hasn’t it?As its title suggests, The M...
「[第2弾] 七色の毒 刑事犬養隼人」——短編に隠された壮大な伏線とは? Mystery, Suspense, Hard-boiled

“The Second Volume: The Seven-Colored Poison – Detective Hayato Inukai” — A Short Story Collection of Deep Human Drama

"The Seven-Colored Poison - Detective Hayato Inukai" by Natsuki Nakayama marks the second installment in the Detective H...
村上海賊の娘:知られざる戦国海賊の娘、その生き様 Literary Works

The Daughter of Murakami Pirates: The Untold Story of a Sengoku Pirate’s Life

During the Sengoku period, while figures like Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi fought for unification on land, fierce...
塩田武士の新境地!『存在のすべてを』が描く深層心理の旅 Contemporary literature

The New Frontier of Takeshi Shiota! “All of Existence” Explores the Journey of Deep Psychology

"All of Existence" by Takeshi Shiota is a socially conscious human drama set against the backdrop of an unresolved case,...
読む音楽体験──「蜜蜂と遠雷」の深遠な世界 Literary Works

A Musical Experience Through Words: The Profound World of “Honeybees and Thunder”

In contemporary Japanese literature, few works have captured the hearts of readers through the theme of music as profoun...
名画をもっと楽しむ方法:『カラー版 名画を見る眼Ⅰ 油彩画誕生からマネまで』 Art

How to Enjoy Masterpieces Even More: ‘The Eye for Masterpieces in Color Edition I: From the Birth of Oil Painting to Manet’

Paintings are a unique form of expression that offers us endless inspiration and new perspectives.Shuji Takashina's book...
村上春樹が紡ぐ青春の哀愁:「1973年のピンボール」 Contemporary literature

The Youthful Melancholy of Haruki Murakami: “Pinball, 1973”

"Pinball, 1973" is one of the early works in Haruki Murakami's Trilogy of the Rat.This novel exemplifies his hallmark th...
絶望の中に見つける光『黄色い家』が私たちに伝えること Contemporary literature

The Profound World of The Yellow House by Mieko Kawakami

Mieko Kawakami's latest novel, The Yellow House, masterfully portrays the intricate human dynamics of modern society thr...
『200万人の「挫折」と「成功」のデータからわかった 継続する技術』で実現する習慣の力 Time management

The Science of Persistence: Lessons from 2 Million Successes and Failures

Rest assured, this article will explore the essence of this book without revealing spoilers.We’ll dive into the highligh...