お金の本質を学べる『バビロンの大富豪』あなたの人生が変わる Management

Learn the Essence of Money with “The Richest Man in Babylon”: Transform Your Life

To live a prosperous life, you need more than just hard work or sheer luck.What truly matters is having the correct know...
なぜ『はらぺこあおむし』が大人にも子どもにも愛されるのか? Picture books

Why Is The Very Hungry Caterpillar Loved by Both Kids and Adults?

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle is a picture book cherished worldwide.With its vibrant colors and unique inter...
言葉の力を信じて——『舟を編む』が教えてくれる大切なこと Literary Works

Believing in the Power of Words—What “The Great Passage” Teaches Us

Words have the power to connect people and unlock new worlds.In Shion Miura's novel The Great Passage, we follow the sto...
驚愕のどんでん返し!「[第1弾] 切り裂きジャックの告白 刑事犬養隼人」の魅力 Mystery, Suspense, Hard-boiled

A Stunning Twist! “Confessions of Jack the Ripper: Detective Hayato Inukai”

"Confessions of Jack the Ripper: Detective Hayato Inukai" by Shichiri Nakayama is a thrilling mystery novel.As the title...
「[第2弾] 七色の毒 刑事犬養隼人」——短編に隠された壮大な伏線とは? Mystery, Suspense, Hard-boiled

“The Second Volume: The Seven-Colored Poison – Detective Hayato Inukai” — A Short Story Collection of Deep Human Drama

"The Seven-Colored Poison - Detective Hayato Inukai" by Natsuki Nakayama marks the second installment in the Detective H...
村上海賊の娘:知られざる戦国海賊の娘、その生き様 Literary Works

The Daughter of Murakami Pirates: The Untold Story of a Sengoku Pirate’s Life

During the Sengoku period, while figures like Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi fought for unification on land, fierce...
「羊をめぐる冒険」――読後に深く考えさせられる一冊 Contemporary literature

“A Wild Sheep Chase” – A Thought-Provoking Literary Journey

"A Wild Sheep Chase Volume 1" is one of Haruki Murakami’s early works that left a profound impact on readers.This story ...