Historical fiction

『鹿の王』が問いかける、生きる意味と孤独の物語 SF, Horror, Fantasy

The King of the Deer: A Story of the Meaning of Life and Solitude

Does an "absolute" really exist in this world?Naho Uehashi's The King of the Deer is a work that deeply explores life an...
戦場で問われる人間性『同志少女よ、敵を撃て』の深い余韻 Contemporary literature

Humanity Questioned on the Battlefield: The Profound Resonance of ‘Comrade Girl, Shoot the Enemy’

"Comrade Girl, Shoot the Enemy" is a captivating novel by Toma Osaka set during World War II, focusing on the lives of S...
村上海賊の娘:知られざる戦国海賊の娘、その生き様 Literary Works

The Daughter of Murakami Pirates: The Untold Story of a Sengoku Pirate’s Life

During the Sengoku period, while figures like Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi fought for unification on land, fierce...
あなたの常識を覆す!『ともぐい』が問いかける生と死 Contemporary literature

Challenge Your Beliefs! ‘Tomogui’ Questions Life and Death

Experience the intertwining moments of life and survival in Akiko Kawasaki's Naoki Prize-winning masterpiece, Tomogui.Se...
『ピエタ』:音楽と人生が交錯する感動の物語 Contemporary literature

Pieta: A Moving Story of Music and Life

Set in 18th-century Venice, Pieta weaves a captivating tale where music and human emotions intertwine.The story explores...
あなたは挑戦を続けられるか?『海賊とよばれた男』が問いかける生き様 Contemporary literature

Can You Keep Challenging Yourself? The Life Lessons of The Man Called Pirate

Challenge has always been a powerful word that resonates with people across eras, hasn’t it?As its title suggests, The M...