Human Dynamics

リカバリー・カバヒコで見つける癒しと再生の物語 Contemporary literature

Discover Healing and Renewal in “Recovery Kabahiko”

"Recovery Kabahiko" by Michiko Aoyama is a collection of interconnected short stories that revolve around urban legends ...
村上春樹が紡ぐ青春の哀愁:「1973年のピンボール」 Contemporary literature

The Youthful Melancholy of Haruki Murakami: “Pinball, 1973”

"Pinball, 1973" is one of the early works in Haruki Murakami's Trilogy of the Rat.This novel exemplifies his hallmark th...
「羊をめぐる冒険」――読後に深く考えさせられる一冊 Contemporary literature

“A Wild Sheep Chase” – A Thought-Provoking Literary Journey

"A Wild Sheep Chase Volume 1" is one of Haruki Murakami’s early works that left a profound impact on readers.This story ...
「これは経費で落ちません!7 ~経理部の森若さん~」で描かれる仕事と人生のリアル Contemporary literature

“This Won’t Be Deducted as Expenses! 7 ~Ms. Moriwaka from the Accounting Department~” and the Realities of Work and Life

Aoki Yuko's popular series "This Won’t Be Deducted as Expenses!" realistically portrays the daily lives, work attitudes,...