
読む音楽体験──「蜜蜂と遠雷」の深遠な世界 Literary Works

A Musical Experience Through Words: The Profound World of “Honeybees and Thunder”

In contemporary Japanese literature, few works have captured the hearts of readers through the theme of music as profoun...
音楽の森で見つけた答え──『羊と鋼の森』に学ぶ生き方のヒント Contemporary literature

The Answer Found in the Forest of Music: Life Lessons from The Forest of Wool and Steel

This story tells the tale of a young man captivated by the sound of piano tuning and dedicating his life to becoming a p...
『ピエタ』:音楽と人生が交錯する感動の物語 Contemporary literature

Pieta: A Moving Story of Music and Life

Set in 18th-century Venice, Pieta weaves a captivating tale where music and human emotions intertwine.The story explores...