
読者を魅了する究極の推理小説『そして誰もいなくなった』 Classic detective

The Ultimate Mystery Novel That Captivates Readers: “And Then There Were None”

Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None" has captivated readers worldwide as a masterpiece of mystery.Set on a seclu...
塩田武士の新境地!『存在のすべてを』が描く深層心理の旅 Contemporary literature

The New Frontier of Takeshi Shiota! “All of Existence” Explores the Journey of Deep Psychology

"All of Existence" by Takeshi Shiota is a socially conscious human drama set against the backdrop of an unresolved case,...
「[第2弾] 七色の毒 刑事犬養隼人」——短編に隠された壮大な伏線とは? Mystery, Suspense, Hard-boiled

“The Second Volume: The Seven-Colored Poison – Detective Hayato Inukai” — A Short Story Collection of Deep Human Drama

"The Seven-Colored Poison - Detective Hayato Inukai" by Natsuki Nakayama marks the second installment in the Detective H...
『鹿の王』が問いかける、生きる意味と孤独の物語 SF, Horror, Fantasy

The King of the Deer: A Story of the Meaning of Life and Solitude

Does an "absolute" really exist in this world?Naho Uehashi's The King of the Deer is a work that deeply explores life an...
驚愕のどんでん返し!「[第1弾] 切り裂きジャックの告白 刑事犬養隼人」の魅力 Mystery, Suspense, Hard-boiled

A Stunning Twist! “Confessions of Jack the Ripper: Detective Hayato Inukai”

"Confessions of Jack the Ripper: Detective Hayato Inukai" by Shichiri Nakayama is a thrilling mystery novel.As the title...
「落日」— 湊かなえが描く希望と絶望の交錯する物語 Mystery, Suspense, Hard-boiled

“Rakujitsu”— A Tale of Hope and Despair by Kanae Minato

Kanae Minato's latest novel, Rakujitsu, captivates readers with its profound narrative and intricate psychological portr...
『放課後ミステリクラブ 1 金魚の泳ぐプール事件』の謎を追う Mystery

Exploring the Mystery of “After-School Mystery Club 1: The Case of Goldfish in the Pool”

"After-School Mystery Club 1: The Case of Goldfish in the Pool" is a children’s mystery novel written by Mikito Chinen.T...