Youth Novel

「成瀬は天下を取りにいく」挑戦と青春を描く感動の物語 Contemporary literature

“Naruse Goes to Conquer the World” – A Tale of Ambition and Youth

Mina Miyajima's bold new novel, Naruse Goes to Conquer the World, is a story of ambition, courage, and the power of yout...
音楽の森で見つけた答え──『羊と鋼の森』に学ぶ生き方のヒント Contemporary literature

The Answer Found in the Forest of Music: Life Lessons from The Forest of Wool and Steel

This story tells the tale of a young man captivated by the sound of piano tuning and dedicating his life to becoming a p...
孤独と向き合う勇気──『かがみの孤城』が教える人生のヒント Literary Works

The Courage to Face Loneliness: Life Lessons from The Lonely Castle in the Mirror

"The Lonely Castle in the Mirror" by Mizuki Tsujimura is a masterpiece that weaves a tale of solitude, hope, and redempt...
『汝、星のごとく』が問いかける家族と自己の意味 Literary Works

“Like the Stars, You Shine”: Exploring the Meaning of Family and Self

"Like the Stars, You Shine" is a masterpiece of modern Japanese literature that deeply moves its readers.This novel intr...
読む音楽体験──「蜜蜂と遠雷」の深遠な世界 Literary Works

A Musical Experience Through Words: The Profound World of “Honeybees and Thunder”

In contemporary Japanese literature, few works have captured the hearts of readers through the theme of music as profoun...
家族を超えた絆を描く『そして、バトンは渡された』の魅力 Contemporary literature

The Love and Bonds Relay in “And Then the Baton Was Passed”

Families come in all shapes and sizes.Each one is connected by love and trust, despite differing backgrounds and values....
『放課後ミステリクラブ 1 金魚の泳ぐプール事件』の謎を追う Mystery

Exploring the Mystery of “After-School Mystery Club 1: The Case of Goldfish in the Pool”

"After-School Mystery Club 1: The Case of Goldfish in the Pool" is a children’s mystery novel written by Mikito Chinen.T...