Habit Formation

なぜ『はらぺこあおむし』が大人にも子どもにも愛されるのか? Picture books

Why Is The Very Hungry Caterpillar Loved by Both Kids and Adults?

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle is a picture book cherished worldwide.With its vibrant colors and unique inter...

Why The Courage to Be Disliked Has Changed So Many Lives

Have you ever come across a book that profoundly changed your life? The Courage to Be Disliked has been that kind of boo...
お金の本質を学べる『バビロンの大富豪』あなたの人生が変わる Management

Learn the Essence of Money with “The Richest Man in Babylon”: Transform Your Life

To live a prosperous life, you need more than just hard work or sheer luck.What truly matters is having the correct know...
『200万人の「挫折」と「成功」のデータからわかった 継続する技術』で実現する習慣の力 Time management

The Science of Persistence: Lessons from 2 Million Successes and Failures

Rest assured, this article will explore the essence of this book without revealing spoilers.We’ll dive into the highligh...