

Why The Courage to Be Disliked Has Changed So Many Lives

Have you ever come across a book that profoundly changed your life? The Courage to Be Disliked has been that kind of boo...
『200万人の「挫折」と「成功」のデータからわかった 継続する技術』で実現する習慣の力 Time management

The Science of Persistence: Lessons from 2 Million Successes and Failures

Rest assured, this article will explore the essence of this book without revealing spoilers.We’ll dive into the highligh...
「パーティーが終わって、中年が始まる」自由の重みとその先の選択 Essays and Writings

“The Party Ends, and Middle Age Begins”: The Weight of Freedom and Choices Ahead

The transition from the carefree days of youth to the sobering reality of middle age is a universal experience.In The Pa...
『星を編む』が教えてくれる、人生の温かさと優しさ Literary Works

“Weaving Stars” Teaches Us the Warmth and Kindness of Life

Life often holds secrets we don't want anyone to know and feelings that are difficult to put into words.Yu Nagira's Weav...
お金の本質を学べる『バビロンの大富豪』あなたの人生が変わる Management

Learn the Essence of Money with “The Richest Man in Babylon”: Transform Your Life

To live a prosperous life, you need more than just hard work or sheer luck.What truly matters is having the correct know...
なぜ『はらぺこあおむし』が大人にも子どもにも愛されるのか? Picture books

Why Is The Very Hungry Caterpillar Loved by Both Kids and Adults?

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle is a picture book cherished worldwide.With its vibrant colors and unique inter...
老化は病気?LIFESPANが示す未来の健康革命 Science

Is Aging a Disease? LIFESPAN Unveils the Future of Health Revolution

"Aging can be treated as a disease." This revolutionary perspective is at the core of David A. Sinclair's book, LIFESPAN...
リカバリー・カバヒコで見つける癒しと再生の物語 Contemporary literature

Discover Healing and Renewal in “Recovery Kabahiko”

"Recovery Kabahiko" by Michiko Aoyama is a collection of interconnected short stories that revolve around urban legends ...